This is a rulebook for a new tabletop role-playing game called Rise. If you aren’t familiar with TTRPGs, check out the What Is A Tabletop Role-Playing Game? section. If you want to know how Rise compares to things you might be familiar with, check out the What Makes Rise Different? section.

I’m developing Rise on Github! If you find an issue, or have a question, feel free to file an issue there. You can also find a PDF version of the book hosted there.

1 Introduction
 1.1 What Is Rise?
 1.2 How to Play - The Short Version
 1.3 What Makes Rise Different?
2 How to Play
 2.1 Saying What Your Character Does
 2.2 Rolling Dice
 2.3 Making Checks
 2.4 Defining the Undefined
3 Characters
 3.1 Attributes
 3.2 Combat Statistics
 3.3 Resources
 3.4 Size and Weight
 3.5 Calculation Guidelines
 3.6 Character Creation
 3.7 Alignment
 3.8 Personal Appearance
 3.9 Backgrounds
 3.10 Character Advancement and Gaining Levels
4 Species
 4.1 Humans
 4.2 Dwarves
 4.3 Elves
 4.4 Gnomes
 4.5 Half-Elves
 4.6 Half-orc
 4.7 Halflings
 4.8 Orcs
5 Combat
 5.1 Making Attacks
 5.2 Calculating Damage
 5.3 Taking Damage
 5.4 Vital Wounds
 5.5 Combat Time
 5.6 Movement and Positioning
 5.7 Aerial Movement
 5.8 Universal Abilities
 5.9 Vision and Light
 5.10 Obstacles and Cover
 5.11 Awareness and Surprise
 5.12 Special Combat Rules
 5.13 Special Ability Mechanics
6 Classes
 6.1 How Classes Work
 6.2 Class Description Format
 6.3 Barbarian
 6.4 Cleric
 6.5 Druid
 6.6 Fighter
 6.7 Monk
 6.8 Paladin
 6.9 Ranger
 6.10 Rogue
 6.11 Sorcerer
 6.12 Warlock
 6.13 Wizard
7 Skills
 7.1 Skill Overview
 7.2 Awareness (Per)
 7.3 Balance (Dex)
 7.4 Climb (Str)
 7.5 Craft (Int)
 7.6 Creature Handling (Per)
 7.7 Deception (Per)
 7.8 Deduction (Int)
 7.9 Devices (Int)
 7.10 Disguise (Int)
 7.11 Endurance (Con)
 7.12 Flexibility (Dex)
 7.13 Intimidate (Varies)
 7.14 Jump (Str)
 7.15 Knowledge (Int)
 7.16 Medicine (Int)
 7.17 Perform (Dex)
 7.18 Persuasion (Per)
 7.19 Profession (Varies)
 7.20 Ride (Dex)
 7.21 Sleight of Hand (Dex)
 7.22 Social Insight (Per)
 7.23 Stealth (Dex)
 7.24 Survival (Per)
 7.25 Swim (Str)
8 Adventuring
 8.1 Resting
 8.2 Overland Movement
 8.3 Communication and Languages
 8.4 Spells and Rituals
 8.5 Common Magical Effects
 8.6 Breaking Objects
 8.7 Poison
9 Items and Equipment
 9.1 Wealth and Item Ranks
 9.2 Using Items
 9.3 Weapons
 9.4 Magic Weapons
 9.5 Armor
 9.6 Magic Armor
 9.7 Magic Apparel
 9.8 Magic Apparel Descriptions
 9.9 Magic Implements
 9.10 Consumables
 9.11 Tools, Goods, and Mounts
10 Combat Styles
 10.1 Combat Style List
 10.2 Maneuver Lists
 10.3 Brute Force
 10.4 Dirty Fighting
 10.5 Ebb and Flow
 10.6 Flurry of Blows
 10.7 Herald of War
 10.8 Mobile Hunter
 10.9 Perfect Precision
 10.10 Rip and Tear
 10.11 Unbreakable Defense
11 Mystic Spheres
 11.1 Magic Sources
 11.2 Spell Lists
 11.3 Aeromancy
 11.4 Aquamancy
 11.5 Astromancy
 11.6 Channel Divinity
 11.7 Chronomancy
 11.8 Cryomancy
 11.9 Electromancy
 11.10 Enchantment
 11.11 Fabrication
 11.12 Photomancy
 11.13 Polymorph
 11.14 Prayer
 11.15 Pyromancy
 11.16 Revelation
 11.17 Summoning
 11.18 Telekinesis
 11.19 Terramancy
 11.20 Thaumaturgy
 11.21 Toxicology
 11.22 Umbramancy
 11.23 Verdamancy
 11.24 Vivimancy
 11.25 Universal
12 The World
 12.1 Magic
 12.2 Personal Power
 12.3 Deities and Afterlifes
A Glossary
B Reference
 B.1 Ability Tags
 B.2 Circumstances and Debuffs
 B.3 Traits
C Feats
 C.1 Gaining Feats
 C.2 Feat Mechanics
 C.3 Feat Descriptions
 C.4 Other Feat Rules
D Optional Rules
 D.1 Attributes
 D.2 Epic Fates
 D.3 Classes
 D.4 Alternate Play Styles
E Uncommon Species
 E.1 Animal Hybrid
 E.2 Automaton
 E.3 Awakened Animal
 E.4 Changeling
 E.5 Dragon
 E.6 Drow
 E.7 Dryaidi
 E.8 Eladrin
 E.9 Harpy
 E.10 Incarnation
 E.11 Kit
 E.12 Naiadi
 E.13 Oozeborn
 E.14 Sapling
 E.15 Tiefling
 E.16 Vampire
F Ship Combat
 F.1 Ship Statistics
 F.2 Ship Resources and Strain
 F.3 Taking Ship Damage
 F.4 Repairing Ships
 F.5 Ship Attributes
 F.6 Ship Size
 F.7 Ship Movement
 F.8 Ship Armor
 F.9 Ship Weapons
 F.10 Ship Enhancements
 F.11 Ships Fighting Non-Ships
 F.12 Ships and Gunpowder
 F.13 Crew Roles
G Monster Mechanics
 G.1 Monster Statistics
 G.2 Monster Combat Mechanics
 G.3 Quick Monster Creation
H Monster Descriptions