4.7 Halflings
Halflings stand at about half the height of a human, but have generally human-like proportions. They tend to be plucky, adventurous, and outgoing. Of all species, halflings have the fewest halfling-only communities. Instead, halfling groups tend to live in the gaps between the “big people”, especially in large cities. Size: Medium. Attributes: -1 Strength, either +1 Dexterity or +1 Willpower. Special Abilities:
- Nimble Combatant: Halflings gain a +1 bonus to Reflex defense.
- Short Stature: Halflings gain a +3 bonus to the Stealth skill.
- Stout-Hearted: Halflings gain a +1 bonus to Mental defense.
- Sure-Footed: Halflings gain a +2 bonus to the Balance skill (see Balance).
Automatic Languages: Common, Halfling, any one common language (see Table 8.4: Common Languages).