Chapter 1

This book is designed to provide a friendly introduction to various aspects of Rise so you can more easily follow along in your game. However, it is light on specific rules and details. In general, it assumes that you are using a character sheet that someone else in the game is responsible for creating and maintaining. For a more detailed explanation of Rise’s rules and character customization, see the separate Tome of Creation. The GM will also have a Tome of Guidance, which has advice for running the game and rules for various monsters and antagonists that you may face.

 1.1 What Is Rise?
 1.2 How to Play - The Short Version
 1.3 What Makes Rise Different?
  1.3.1 Minimal Resource Management
  1.3.2 Simultaneous Combat
  1.3.3 Optional Complexity
  1.3.4 Unbounded Scaling
  1.3.5 Bounded Action Economy