4.4 Gnomes

PIC Gnomes are the smallest, most magical, and most short-lived of the civilized species. Their large eyes and heads give even adult gnomes almost child-like proportions. Fae blood runs in the blood of all gnomes, and gnome societies have many traditions and rituals that seem superstitious to outsiders. However, these rituals have a purpose, and gnomes understand that failing to appease the hidden powers in the world can have dangerous consequences. Most gnomes live in forests, but they can be found in remote areas all over the world. Gnomish settlements are almost always overseen by minor fae, such as dryads, who protect the settlement. In many cases, the settlements were originally built around a site of mystic power, though some settlements have outlived their original protectors. Size: Medium. Attributes: -1 Strength, either +1 Constitution or +1 Intelligence. Special Abilities:

Automatic Languages: Common, Gnome, either Sylvan or any one common language (see Table 8.4: Common Languages).