7.8 Deduction (Int)

The Deduction skill represents your ability to make logical deductions based on evidence. It includes both determining which facts and observations are relevant to use as evidence, and reaching conclusions based on that evidence. However, this skill cannot protect you from coming to inaccurate conclusions if you rely on inaccurate or incomplete facts and observations.

7.8.1 Common Deduction Tasks

Identify Surroundings: You can make a Deduction check as a standard action to understand what aspects of your environment are important and why. This may require a successful Awareness check to locate hidden objects or subtle clues.

Reach Conclusion: You can combine information that you know to reach a specific conclusion. This may require other checks, such as Knowledge or Awareness checks, to ensure that you have enough information to work with. The time required to reach a conclusion can vary dramatically depending on how much evidence you have to work with and how easy the conclusion is to reach. You can reach simple conclusions immediately after learning all of the relevant information, but complicated scenarios might require days of study and analysis to eliminate all possibilities. In general, sifting through a mixture of helpful and misleading evidence increases the difficulty of the Deduction check and the time required to complete it.