It's Wednesday Again

Last week, the party was joined by one of the mercenaries in the group that they were about to attack, who was actually from the nearby town of Roland, working to bring down the wizard, and higher level than he first appeared. None of these things were in any way changed after the fact. Having acquired their new ally, the party donned their mercenary attire and ventured bravely into the wizard's tower. Although they had not enough people to complete the disguise, not enough water in their lidless water barrels, and and not a clue what they were getting into, they were sure things would work out. They got as far as the drawbridge before Marche, the leader of the mercenaries, somehow saw through their brilliant disguise. A furious melee naturally ensued. The party emerged victorious through a combination of Krunch getting beat up a lot and Deekin magically compelling Marche to attack his fellow mercenaries.

The party then searched the first level and interrogated the surviving mercenaries. They determined that the mercenaries didn't actually know much of anything useful. However, there was a magically locked door which might conceivably lead to stairs, so they smashed it until it became a hole in a wall with a gently fading magical aura. Ascending the stairs, they found a group of clay golems assembling ballistas. While the muscley melee men hit things really hard, Zanz led a group to arm and fire the nearby ballistas at their creators, and the golems were splattered. Show up this week to join the party as they explore the second level of the the wizard's tower!