Why'd Ya Have to Make Everything So Complicated

Last week, the party relaxed in Peloria before setting out on their next adventure. This lasted for about half a day before Silk called them into a meeting in a tavern. There, through a telepathic link, he informed them that both Zedar and Faren1 were working with the Orclund2. They are planning on convincing us to teleport into the Orclund to stop it, but would betray us when we arrived and use the orc army to kill us.

Silk told us that he was currently pretending to work with Zedar and Faren, but had the ability to trap Zedar's travelstone. When they teleport us into the Orclund, he could hijack the teleportation and come along himself with some of his bodyguards, which should allow us to reverse the trap and defeat Zedar and Faren. Alternately, we could refuse to teleport into the Orclund, and instead seek out the orcs we had met previously who were trying to break apart the Orclund's fragile alliance.

Faced with this haze of hidden alliances and betrayal around every corner, the party did what came naturally: start a bar fight, and then have a long committee meeting. Silk also introduced them to Talbot's brother, who was one of Silk's bodyguards and had been searching for Talbot for some time. Show up this week to help us figure out what to do!

  1. Deekin's master, the archmage of the mage's guild, and the creator of a famous recipe for pickled beef stew.
  2. The alliance of a many powerful orc tribes under a single banner, potentially threatening the very fabric of civilization. It sounds like "Orcland" because orcs aren't very creative with names.

Stupid Awards

Muerdoc Atana Clockwork Sia Krunch Rucks Deekin Steve